
In this vignette, I provide code for some simple examples. The main function to use is rtrees::get_tree(). Users can type ?rtrees::get_tree in the R console to see details.

To get a phylogeny for a list of species using an existing synthetic megatree, we can use the following code:

# create a species list
species <- c('Meliosma laui', 'Acer cordatum', 'Fraxinus mandshurica',
            'Ormosia pinnata', 'Aglaia dasyclada', 'Sphagnum_subnitens',
            'Stephanomeria_cichoriacea', 'Taraxacum_schroeterianum', 
            'Humiria_balsamifera', 'Salix_cinerea', 'Floerkea_proserpinacoides')
# get a phylogeny
sp_tree <- rtrees::get_tree(sp_list = species, taxon = 'plant')
#> 5 species added at genus level (*)
#> 1 species added at family level (**)
#> 1 species have no co-family species in the mega-tree, skipped
#> (if you know their family, prepare and edit species list with `rtrees::sp_list_df()` may help): 
#> Sphagnum_subnitens

In the code chunk above, the vector of species names can have either space or underscore in the names; spaces will be replaced by underscores internally within rtrees::get_tree(). If no megatree was set by the tree = argument, then the taxon = argument must be one of the supported taxonomic groups (“amphibian”, “bird”, “fish”, “mammal”, “plant”, “reptile”, and “shark_ray”). Function rtrees::get_tree() will print out messages about the number of species been grafted at genus and family level as well as the number of species been skipped if neither congeneric nor co-family species were found in the megatree. In the example above, the skipped species is a moss and the megatree does not have any moss species from the Sphagnaceae family. When the argument show_grafted of rtrees::get_tree() is set to ‘TRUE’ (default is ‘FALSE’), the tip labels of the generated phylogeny will have a trailing * if it is grafted at genus level or ** if it is grafted at family level. No matter whether show_grafted is ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’, the grafting information was saved along with the phylogeny and can be extracted with the following code:

# or use rtrees::get_graft_status()
#> # A tibble: 11 × 3
#>    tip_label                 species                   status                   
#>    <chr>                     <chr>                     <chr>                    
#>  1 Taraxacum_schroeterianum  Taraxacum_schroeterianum  exisiting species in the…
#>  2 Stephanomeria_cichoriacea Stephanomeria_cichoriacea exisiting species in the…
#>  3 Fraxinus_mandshurica      Fraxinus_mandshurica      grafted at genus level   
#>  4 Ormosia_pinnata           Ormosia_pinnata           grafted at genus level   
#>  5 Salix_cinerea             Salix_cinerea             exisiting species in the…
#>  6 Humiria_balsamifera       Humiria_balsamifera       exisiting species in the…
#>  7 Floerkea_proserpinacoides Floerkea_proserpinacoides grafted at family level  
#>  8 Aglaia_dasyclada          Aglaia_dasyclada          grafted at genus level   
#>  9 Acer_cordatum             Acer_cordatum             grafted at genus level   
#> 10 Meliosma_laui             Meliosma_laui             grafted at genus level   
#> 11 <NA>                      Sphagnum_subnitens        skipped as no co-family …

When users already have a phylogeny for most of their species (i.e., the second and third scenarios described in the Usage scenarios section above), we can use the same code as above, with the argument tree_by_user = TRUE. And here is an example using the phylogeny generated above as a pretended megatree that we already have.

more_sp_to_add = c('Ormosia_sp.', 'Fraxinus_americana')
new_species = c(species, more_sp_to_add)
sp_tree_2 = rtrees::get_tree(sp_list = new_species, tree = sp_tree, 
                             taxon = 'plant', tree_by_user = TRUE)
#> Not all genus can be found in the phylogeny.
#> 2 species added at genus level (*)
#> 1 species have no co-family species in the mega-tree, skipped
#> (if you know their family, prepare and edit species list with `rtrees::sp_list_df()` may help): 
#> Sphagnum_subnitens

In the code above, as there is a genus (Sphagnum) not included in the user provided phylogeny, we need to specify the taxon argument to extract the correct classification information; note that this requires the taxonomic group is one of those supported by rtrees. However, if all genus of the species list are already in the user provided phylogeny, then we can ignore the taxon argument:

# remove Sphagnum_subnitens so that all genus are in the megatree
new_species_all_in = setdiff(new_species, 'Sphagnum_subnitens')
sp_tree_3 = rtrees::get_tree(sp_list = new_species_all_in, tree = sp_tree, 
                             tree_by_user = TRUE)
#> 2 species added at genus level (*)

The function rtrees::get_tree() can also work with a set of posterior megatrees with the option to use parallel computing for the whole process. The default number of cores to be used will be the available number of cores minus 2 (so that users can still perform other tasks on their computers at the same time). The output will be a set of generated phylogenies with class ‘multiPhylo’; the number of derived phylogenies will be the same as the input megatrees. For this scenario, we can use exactly the same code described above.

# bird species
bird_species =  c('Brachypteryx_major', 'Asthenes_perijana', 'Ciridops_anna', 
                   'Leiothlypis_ruficapilla', 'Reinwardtoena_reinwardti',
                   'Garrulax_caerulatus', 'Buteo_rufofuscus', 'Sylvia_mystacea',
                   'Telophorus_viridis', 'Trachyphonus_darnaudii')
sp_tree_4 = rtrees::get_tree(sp_list = bird_species, taxon = 'bird')
#> 3 species added at genus level (*)
#> 2 species added at family level (**)
#> 100 phylogenetic trees